
This is a condition where endometrial cells (which normally line the uterus) grow outside the uterus. The most typical sites are on the ovaries, bowel, fallopian tubes, and pelvis lining.

The endometrial cells behave in the sameway as they would in the uterus. Theythicken and then break down and bleedeach cycle. However, the cells are trappedand can’t leave the body.

The cause is not known. Risk factors are; apositive family history, never having givenbirth, and short menstrual cycles. There is,unfortunately, nothing specific that can bedone prevention wise.

Common symptoms are painful periods,pain with intercourse, and heavy menstrualbleeding. Some may have pain on bowelmotions, fatigue, bloating and nausea. Therange is from mild to severe. The maincomplication is infertility. Most womenwith endometriosis will still be able to conceive.

Diagnosis is based on the symptoms, apelvic examination and an ultrasound ofthe pelvis. In some cases, a laparoscopymay be needed. You can be referred to a gynaecologist.

Simple painkillers may suffice. Warm bathsand heat packs can help relax the pelvicmuscles easing cramps.

Hormonal treatments, including use ofthe contraceptive pill, may help. In moresevere cases, surgery is performed whereby http://www.kidspot.com.au/schoolzone/Bullying-Facts-and-figures-aboutbullying+4065+395+article.htmendometrial cysts are removed. In the mostsevere instances, hysterectomy may beneeded.